Thursday, April 15, 2010

9-16 weeks (pics every other week)

Ben aka Daddy

That night I told Ben-We went out to eat and I pulled out the bib and laid it beside him, told him in 9 months we'll have a friend to join!

The proof!

There they are-Jan 15th-only 3 1/2 weeks. Barely visible...look close!

Monday, April 12, 2010

What's going on in there, down there??

OH and BTW...for all those who we have told we were not going to find out the sex, well we have changed our minds! We have to know at this point, it's just too much pressure on me and Ben. I mean pink, blue, baseballs, flowers, t ball, ballet, nail painting or booger wiping-these are important to know, to mentally set ourselves up. We have an appoinment on April 27th at 11 to see the little one's "little one", it will interesting as everyone I've talked to says girl, except my friend Maria and Ben. Ben said there hasn't been a girl born on his mother's side of the family in 56 years...we'll see if we break the cycle. Chinese calendar says girl as well. As far as the old wives tales, who I crave sweets, salty, spicy, pretty much everything edible at this point, who knows! Although my top two favs is cereal and pepperoncinis, sometimes in the same meal. YUM!

I'm celebrating today because today has been the first day in 10 weeks I am negative symptom free. Nausea raided my body for 7 weeks, exhaustion for about the same-well that still hits-but not often, and headaches for 2 weeks. None today....IN LOVE!

Going to try to get a few pics on here we've taken of the protrusion of bellyness. We've done every two weeks, will do that as soon as I can.

Congrats on the wedding (oh, and the baby!! WHAT!)

Ok, first blog for a first timer...hope I don't sound too much like a dork!

Wanted to keep everyone up to date on the up and coming newest member of our family. As you know this little one suprised us all after 6 weeks of marriage and a postive pregnancy test! Especially considering the doc was waaaaaayyyyy off on his diagnosis of my "non-working" ovaries. Apparently they work JUST fine! Ben said I was being mean to him this particualr week of January 15th. I usually am mean, so I didn't think too much of it-ha-JK! But I was feeling a little out of the norm, so I decided to weed it out with a quick test and move forward go with the oncoming flu. It was not the flu needless to say. It was two pink lines on a tiny white stick. Almost so faint, I thought I did something wrong. Squeezed myself into a opening slot at the doctor's office the next mornign for some confirmation and after 4 grueling hours, I was ont he HGC track! We are super excited about this news and this blessing in our lives though-it was a fear of mine not to be able to have my own children. God took that fear away and brought this wonderful miracle into our lives. Now the wait...and it has been quite interesting if I must say so myself.

Have had three doctor appointments thus far-

First-January 29th-We got to see the little peanut at 6 weeks-It was too small to measure the heartbeat at that time although we saw it pumping away! Haha-Ben was asking the nurse if there was any way another little peanut could be hiding behind the one we were looking at. She said unlikely but has happened-I think Ben felt some relief!

Second-February 24th-After what seemed like giving the doctor a gallon of blood, nurse came into the room to hear the heartbeat with her handy dandy Doppler. It picked up immediately without an ultrasound (which I still wanted of course-but insurance wouldn't agree with me) HR was at 176-on the high end....some say that means girl!

Third-March 24th-Another Doppler checkup. HR lower at 168 but still on the high end for my gestational period said doc-still girl??